Behold your King is coming to you!

Say to Daughter Zion,
   ‘See, your king comes to you,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
   and on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Matthew 21:6).

This is the scripture from Matthew 21:6 (prophesied in Zechariah 9:9), that Bunny shared in church this morning. Are our hearts ready for Jesus’ triumphant return? Bunny encouraged us to read Mark 11 during this upcoming Holy Week, as we prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday.

The following announcements, joys and concerns were shared today:

  • Thursday (April 5), Janet-Lee needs a ride to Saranac Lake for a medical appointment; she needs to be there by 10:10 am. Please call Janet-Lee at 624-3905 if you can give her a ride. Please keep praying for Janet-Lee as she heals.
  • Friday (April 6), from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, the church will be open for prayer, a quiet time of reflection, and communion. There will not be a formal service, but Bunny will be available to serve communion.
  • Easter Sunrise Service (April 8) will be held at 7:30 am at the LL Town Beach. The Methodist Church is hosting this and a breakfast following at the Town Hall. All are welcome.
  • Marty is in the hospital, but Joyce hopes to bring him home tomorrow (Monday). Please keep Marty and Joyce in your prayers.
  • Bunny, Laurinda and Louisa had a great trip to Houghton to see Brianna in the musical, “West Side Story.”
  • Welcome to Brian & Sharon and their 3 girls, and others who were in church.
  • Pray for a new pastor for LLWC!
  • On a personal note, I (Peg) thank you for your prayers as I start treatment for breast cancer. I know that God has a plan and a purpose in this (Romans 8:28).
  • MOPS (Moms of Pre-Schoolers) will meet on April 25th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please pray for all ladies involved.
  • See a list of all meeting times.
  • District Ladies’ Retreat, May 4, 5, 6, 2012 at Camp of the Woods Retreat Center, Speculator, NY. Download the brochure (PDF) here: Ladies_Retreat_Reg_Form_2012.

Free lunch!

Please join us for a pot-luck lunch at noon in the Fellowship Hall/Basement, on April 1st (no fooling!), after the morning worship service. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us! There’s always plenty of food and fellowship. We hope to see you there!