From Pastor John: “please remember Harry Adams in your prayers tonight. I visited him today and talked to his medical team and he is in serious condition. Annette will especially need our prayers and support in the days to come.”
July 3: Update
Here are a few announcements from Sunday:
- Kathryn plans to take the Youth hiking on July 8th; see her for details. And ask Kathryn if you can help to serve as a Chaperone. Thanks!
- New Member classes will start during the Sunday School hour: July 8-29. See Pastor John for details and to sign up.
- Community Night at the Long Lake Pavilion will be on July 20 from 5:30 – 9 p.m., with music provided by the CBC Worship Team. Come out for food, fellowship and worship! Here’s a Concert flyer that you can print and share with others for this outreach event.
- The Summer Sermon Series starting Sunday July 8th and running through August is all about you! “Encouragement for your Spiritual Journey” traces your personal spiritual life story from before you knew Jesus to present day and beyond. If you feel like your life is like a movie, then you are right and God is producing, directing and staring in it with you! See Pastor John to join a Small Group, starting Monday July 9th, to explore your own journey for 8 weeks.
- Have you been thinking and praying about how you can use produce from the Community Garden to invite neighbors to LLWC? If you’re willing, God will use you!
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!
- America was protected and directed by God in its founding (Psalm 67:4; Proverbs 21:1 NIV).
- America’s Government is patterned after Biblical principles (Isaiah 33:22 NIV).
- American Law guarantees our religious freedom to practice and proclaim our faith (Galatians 5:1; Romans 1:16 NIV).
Thank God for our Freedom and Independence!