August 23: Update

  • We’ve received an update from Veronica; you can see that here.
  • A reminder that our Pot Luck lunch on Sunday, Sept 2nd will be at the Pavilion right after service. Hamburgers, hotdogs, dessert, and drinks will be provided. Please bring your own plate and silverware and a dish to share (salad or beans). Bring your own toppings for the ice cream. We’ll need a cooker and a couple men to flip hamburgers. Happy Labor Day week-end. Please pass the word on to all. See you there!
  • Please remember several who need our prayers: Lenora’s daughter, Linda (and Ralph as he travels to see her); Steve & Sandi; Jean’s friends Jack and Hope; Nicole Hemmings and her family; Ed Brown’s family; Don Gordinier and his medical personnel, Merline and her visa process, and several of our youth who have recently given their lives to Christ who need our prayers and support.


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