At this week’s Board Meeting, these dates and events were discussed.
- Volunteers are needed to meet Monday mornings to clean the church or sign up for specific jobs (e.g. dusting, straightening pew books, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming upstairs or downstairs). Many hands make light work! By cleaning the church, our youth programs can continue.
- September 15 – Men’s and women’s pancake breakfast at 8:00 AM. with work-bee to follow. There are jobs for everyone – from cleaning the church to installing doors and cellar windows at the parsonage. Join us for pancakes, coffee, and good fellowship!
- September 22 – Potato harvest at Chris Thompson’s. We’ll start about 1:30, with Turkey dinner to follow in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring friends, children, pails, and potato hooks! Dinner will be in the Fellowship Hall after digging, probably about 5-5:30 PM. We expect a bigger crowd this year, so we regrettably must move the location for the dinner. Please contact Cynthia to let her know what dish(es) you can bring. We’ll need some help in the kitchen in the afternoon as well. It’s imperative that you beg or borrow potato hooks; we’ll need all we can get! Dress for the weather; wear boots; we anticipate a muddy field. (The Rain date is 9/29.)
- September 27 – Open house at school. We’ve been invited to have a booth at the open house at school. We need your ideas and manpower for this event. This is the first time we have been invited! Please keep this in your prayers!
- September 29 – Vision meeting following service and ice cream social! Have a vision for our church? No dreams are too big! Remember, if you have the faith of a mustard seed… Are we doing all that we can to train up disciples or are we just hiding our shillings in the ground with no resulting multiplication? Let’s dream big and get some ideas flowing! “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people” Matthew 4:18-20.
- Halloween – We need a committee to plan trunk candy giving in our church parking lot for Halloween. This is a tremendous outreach opportunity!
- Thanksgiving – We need a committee to plan our Thanksgiving Community dinner for November 17. Please be thinking of how you can serve.
- Christmas – We need a committee to plan Christmas decorating, play, pageant.
- Maybe this sounds ambitious, but we know that God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called! “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13).
- If you would love to support these outreach events but cannot physically be here to help, you could help by sending a check to the church (PO Box 322, Long Lake, NY 12847).
We also have an update from Veronica: September 12 2012 update.
And an update on our Missions giving for Haiti.
And we have a visual update on the Community Garden. Please join us for the potato harvest on September 22nd!