Special weekend of fellowship: Dec 1-2

  1. Saturday morning at 10 AM, come help decorate the church to celebrate our Savior’s birth! Bring your family to decorate for Christmas. Bring some Christmas music and we will sing and enjoy each others company as we decorate. Let’s plan on hot chocolate and sandwiches or snacks down in the FH. Let Gail or Joyce know what you will bring. We will also practice the Christmas puppet show and the Young Children’s Christmas Choir.
  2. On the same day from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM EVERYONE IS INVITED TO A WELCOME PARTY TO MEET Mrs. Merline Thompson! Please bring appetizers, soup and desserts and take this opportunity to meet Merline and make her feel welcome! Local members of our community will also be invited.
  3. This Saturday, there will NOT be a service for adults but at 6 PM, our Wesleyan youth (grades 7 – 12) will meet as well as Kings Kids for elementary age.
  4. This Sunday immediately following morning worship, we will join the other churches at THE TOWN HALL for the opening of the Crèche and a potluck meal. Note this meal is in place of our monthly, fellowship meal.

So plan for the weekend and be SURE to bring someone with you to enjoy the fun and the fellowship! Please pass this on to those who do not have computer access.