Dec 2: Announcements

The creche opening in front of the town hall today was really nice. It’s such a privilege to be able to gather with other Christians in our community to sing Christmas carols and pray together!









Women’s Bible study is held on Wednesday mornings at 9:00, and meets in the Fellowship Hall. We’ve had a great turnout; join us as we encourage each other! Contact Joyce if you’d like more information. This Wednesday, Dec 5th will be the last meeting before Christmas.

Dec 8: There will be a special Christmas program at 6:00 p.m.

Dec 15: Mark your calendars! Our annual adult Christmas party will be held on December 15th, at 4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a dish to pass. Each person is encouraged to bring an item for the Chinese auction — something from around your house that you’re willing to share (about a $5.00 value). Wrap it up real pretty, and put it under the tree in the FH. Each of us will have a turn to unwrap an item, or “steal” an item from someone else. This is a lot of fun; get ready for great fellowship and laughs!