Updates: January 20

This week’s updates and announcements:

  • Mens Prayer time: Join us on Tuesdays at 6:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall to pray for our community and country.
  • Ladies Bible Study: Join us on Wednesdays at 9 AM in the Fellowship Hall for a Bible Study called “Healing Waters” — a study on Forgiveness, grace, and second chances with Melody Carlson and a DVD. We’ve had a great turnout so far, and we hope to see all our ladies there. There will be coffee, tea or hot chocolate to warm us up as well. See Joyce if you have questions.
  • Wednesday prayer meetings at 6 PM: we are resuming our study in the book of Acts led by Chris Thompson.
  • Prophecy study on America will start this Thursday (January 24th) at 7:00 PM. We’ll be following the New York Times best seller: “The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future” by Jonathan Cahn. Copies are available at Amazon.com. You do not have to read the book to get a lot out of this discussion.
  • Saturday fellowship soup dinner at 5:00 PM.
  • Wesleyan Youth (grades 7-12), will meet Saturdays at 6:00 PM, as well as King’s Kids for elementary age kids.
  • Pot-luck lunch – 1st Sunday of every month — at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us!
  • Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM, we’ll meet for the study of the Gospel with Bunny. And on the last Sunday night of each month, joins us for Hymn Singing at 6:00 PM. The next one will be January 27th.
  • Third Day, a Grammy award-winning Christian rock band, will be playing in Glens Falls, NY at the Glens Falls Civic Center on Friday, March 1st 2013. Check out the Third Day schedule for tickets here. You can learn more about the group and hear some of their songs here.

Please see Praises and Prayer concerns listed below.

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