February 10 updates

A new Senior High School Small Group now meets on Sunday evenings at 7:00 PM. Come and bring your friends for fun, food, and fellowship and start the week out right!

Join us for free coffee and donuts at our new cafe! Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45, free coffee and donuts are available in the back entryway.

Check us out on Facebook!

Please pray for Jody and Jerry Manwaring, our missionaries to Africa. Their recent email says, “Greetings, hope this finds all well in your world. Attached is our prayer letter concerning Mozambique. Your prayers are needed and appreciated. May God bless you and keep you and may HIS face shine upon you…..” Numbers 6:24. This autumn Jerry and I will be beginning a year of ministry in the States and sharing with churches about God’s exciting work in Africa. Please contact me (Jody) at: amayeee@aol.com if you would like to be included in our 2013-14 schedule. Joyfully serving Jesus, Jerry & Jody.” You can read their February newsletter here.