Mark your calendars! There are lots of things happening at LLWC!
- Mens Prayer time: Join us on Tuesdays at 6:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall to pray for our community and country.
- Ladies Bible Study: Join us on Wednesdays at 9 AM in the Fellowship Hall for a Bible Study on forgiveness, grace, and second chances. This week we’ll be studying Chapter 7. See Joyce if you have questions.
- Wednesday prayer meetings at 6 PM: we are resuming our study in the book of Acts led by Chris Thompson.
- Thursday night small group will resume after Easter (April 4th) at 7 PM. The new study is called “Staying in love!” for married couples and will last 4 weeks. Falling in love is easy; staying in love requires a plan!
- The “Fusion” Senior High School small group (grades 9-12), is now meeting on Sunday evenings at 7 PM.
- The high energy “Velocity” Middle School ministry (grades 5-8) meets Saturday nights from 6 to 8 PM.
- Pot-luck lunch – 1st Sunday of every month — at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us!
- Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 11 AM and bring your friends!
- Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM, we’ll meet for the study of the Gospel with Bunny. And on the last Sunday night of each month, joins us for Hymn Singing at 6:00 PM.
- Easter lilies – contact Margaret if you’d like to order a lily in memory/to honor someone, and to decorate the church on Easter.
- We are having an all member meeting after church on Palm Sunday, March 24th, to vote on expansion.