Announcements: October 13th

Merline’s mother and aunt are here for a visit and joined us in worship this morning. What a blessing to meet them! LLWC plans to send a team to Haiti in November 2014; start planning now! Here are some other announcements:

  • Sandi invited all ladies to join her at the “Hope for a Woman’s Heart” day at: Fort William Henry & Conference Center, 48 Canada St., Lake George, NY. The date is Saturday, November 2, from 9:00 to 4:00 (lunch included). Tickets are $28,  but you need to let Sandi know your lunch choice ASAP if you plan to go. The deadline is October 24th. You can learn more information at:
  • We will be having a Harvest Festival on Thursday, October 31 from 6-8 pm. If you are willing to man a game or help out in other ways, contact Amy. If you are not able to attend but would like to donate candy, cupcakes, or cookies, that would be great too! Please let Amy know what you’ll be bringing. Thank you! We had many children both from the church and the community attend last year.
  • Come to Prayer meetings on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm. Dave Carney will be teaching on the letter to the Romans.
  • Wednesdays at 9:00 am all ladies are invited to a Bible Study by Sheila Walsh from Women of Faith.
  • The new carpet is down, and it looks beautiful! Thanks to so many who helped in various ways. The new chairs are scheduled to arrive in December.

Close up of the carpet:


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