Several announcements and reminders:
- We are planning on having Women’s Bible Study at 9 AM tomorrow the 22nd. Sorry we had to cancel last week. Let’s pray that our cars will start after this cold night and we will have the coffee pot on for the brave ladies who come. We will be hearing about “The Cry of the Captive, A Plea for Revival” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Hope to see you there.
- Tuesdays – Men’s prayer at 6:30 AM in the sanctuary.
- Wednesday evening prayer group – at 6 PM – join us as we explore revival in the scriptures.
- Come to the Christian Unity Service on Saturday, January 25th at St. Henry’s Church in Long Lake at 1:00 PM for an all-community fellowship!
- Saturday at 7 PM – Youth grades 5-12 are invited to join us for “Fusion” for pizza, games, and fellowship.
- Sundays at 6PM – join us for the “Bunny” Bible Study.
- Attention all ladies! Bring a friend to our lovely ladies luncheon on Saturday, February 1st at 11 AM. Bring a new dish towel to swap. We will be making Valentine cards for our loved ones. Any questions call Sandi or Contact Us.
- We have updates from our missionaries: