
A couple of new announcements from church this morning.

  • Five people from LLWC plan to go to Haiti on a short missions trip this November, and they’ll need supplies and funding for the trip. In the past, we’ve had a church garage sale to raise funds. This year, there will be a yard sale at Venita’s house. If you have things for the sale, take them to Venita’s house the day before. We need to raise about $1500. There will also be a Farmers Market on Thursdays in LL to raise money. If you have questions, Contact us.
  • Pastor John went to a conference this week, and LLWC was honored for our growth in the community. We’re at 6% and 8% is a significant number. Ask Pastor John for more details, and thank him for all his hard work in reaching out to our community!
  • Pray for Bunny, as he’s being treated for an infection.
  • Welcome home to Bill & Jo-Cinda! It’s great to see them back in LL.
  • See more announcements below.

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