Here are some announcements from this morning:
- Venita says Thank You for donations to the Farmers Market! She had hoped to make $2,000 and actually made $1,976.50 for Missions!
- Sandi announced that Joyce Meyer will be speaking in Albany on October 9-11 ( Please let Sandi know this week if you plan to go; she has a couple of rooms reserved.
- Joyce announced that now that school is back in session, Ladies Prayer Time will resume on Wednesday mornings at 8:00. Join them to pray for our students, teachers, community, Pastor.
- “The Bunny Group” meets Sunday nights at 6:00 pm. You’re invited to join in studying the Word.
- Come to Wednesday Night Prayer Group at 6:00 pm.
- Fusion youth group meets Saturday nights at 6:00 pm at the LLWC for students grades 7-12.
- Children’s church is Kindergarten through 4th grade and meets during the worship service.
- The nursery is held during worship in the lower level.
- Please remember to “pray continually” for our Pastor and his family (I Thess. 5:17).
- Look for more announcements on our Facebook page:
Contact us with announcements, questions, or prayer concerns.