October 19 updates

Bunny encourages everyone to come tonight, and every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Tonight will be the great music of David Phelps. Next week we’ll start studying the history of war in the Middle East, starting with Ishmael.

Fusion youth group (for student’s grades 7th – 12th) will be hosting a Halloween lock-in on Friday October 31st from 10 PM to 8 AM. Come and bring a friend for games, food and fun!

Here’s a list of things that are needed to take to Haiti November 3-13: LOTS of Ziploc freezer bags (quart and gallon size), and Terro ant traps; a few pot holders, dish towels and dish cloths, large bottles of Calcium with Vitamin D tablets, Gatorade Instant powder packets, chocolate chips and butterscotch chips, Dream Whip packages. Please bring these things to church by October 26th. Ask Greg or Roberta for more details, or Contact us.

Our Community Thanksgiving dinner will be held on Saturday, November 22nd. Please sign up to let us know that you can help to call and invite, cook, set up, serve, clean up, make desserts  and deliver dinners. Call Gail at 624-3894 ASAP to let her know what you can do!  We served over 100 people last year!

Dress a Girl – We will get together after the holidays for another kit-making workshop. In the meantime, please buy fabric (not too thin or lightweight), and notions if you’re able. There is money that has been donated, which can be used to reimburse you if you buy fabric and notions for DAG. We’ll need fabric, bias tape, 1/2″ elastic, thread, yarn, etc. If you don’t sew but want to help, consider donating money for fabric (click the “Donate” button on the right). For more info about DAG, see the Dress a Girl website.

Operation Christmas Child – As a church family, we plan to pack 100 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. There are tips on how to pack a shoe box and gift suggestions here. Note that you can build a shoe box online if it’s easier than packing a shoe box yourself. Bring your shoe boxes to church, where we’ll store them until it’s time to ship them off.

If you can’t help in person, you can use that “Donate” button on the right side of the screen to make a tax-deductable donation to LLWC with PayPal or your credit card anytime!

If you have questions, contact us.

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