Be sure to invite your friends to our Thanksgiving series entitled, “God and Country” and rediscover the spiritual roots of America and how we can recapture them. Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m.
- Please grab a bag of “Community Garden” potatoes for yourself, and to share with a neighbor in Jesus name.
- The nursery is held in the lower level during worship service.
- Thank God for bringing our Haiti team home safely!
- Come on Sunday night at 6:00 pm for our study of the “Roots of War.” If you have wondered why groups in the Middle East like ISIS, Hamas, and others constantly seek to kill Jews, Christians and attack Israel, you won’t want to miss this study of prophecy and history.
- Come to our Wednesday night prayer meeting and encounter the scriptures concerning the “Rise of the Anti-Christ” and ponder prophecy unfolding in our world.
- See updates to our Missions page. We’ve started supporting the Weavers, and we have updates from Veronica and several other missionaries.