Updates and announcements for this week:
- There IS Bible Study tonight, Sunday, Feb 8th. Be there!
- Tuesdays: Men meet for prayer at 6:30 AM in the sanctuary.
- Wednesdays: Ladies’ meet for prayer at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Karen for more info.
- Wednesdays: prayer group meets at 6:00 PM. Join us as we pray for renewal in our area!
- Saturday, February 14th: Mens’ Breakfast at 8:30 am.
- Saturdays: Fusion Youth Group meets from 6:00-8:00 PM.
- Hospital in LaGonave, Haiti: the staff moved into the new hospital on January 24th. The money that we sent for Bibles will be used for new Bibles in the church. How exciting!
- Ladies, we’re getting together on February 21st at 10:00 AM to make more kits for the Dress a Girl (DAG) project. We still have $$ that was donated for this project! If you buy material and notions in a store or online, bring your receipts so we can reimburse you! We’ll need plenty of material, notions, etc. Feel free to share this flyer and invite others to join us!
- Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 if you have questions.