May 24 updates

In addition to the announcements below, here are a couple more:

  • June 20th – Baccalaureate service for our graduating High School Seniors, 5:00 PM at LLWC.
  • June 20th – Graduation Celebration Concert featuring the Christian Rock group “Kardia” and rapper “G Winnard” at the Sabattis Pavilion in Long Lake, 6:30 PM.
  • Best Years Fellowship Luncheon (for anyone 55 and over), Fellowship Hall, 12:00 noon, every 4th Tuesday: June 23, July 28, Aug 25, Sept 22. Bring your own sandwich. Salad, dessert and drinks will be provided unless otherwise notified. Need a ride? Call Don Keller at 352-544-1271.
  • Contact us with any questions.