June 28 updates

  • Our new Summer series is: “The Gospel according to Andy Griffith.” Invite your friends to this walk through Mayberry and all the Biblical principles that can be gleaned from the characters of that town of yesteryear.
  • July 4th Celebration at LLWC: Come up to the church parking lot at 8:00 PM. Bring your lawnchair and snacks; we’ll watch the fireworks together.
  • Concert – Clair Black, playing a program of classical piano music at the Long Lake Methodist Church at 7:30 PM on July 9th. Reception to follow; donations accepted.
  • WKFM (Wesleyan Kids for Missions) are collecting money for victims of the Nepal earthquakes. Please take a jar home and bring it back filled with spare change.
  • Please consider making a donation for our new worship projector fund at at LLWC. The total need is $1,600 for the upgrade.
  • Best Years Fellowship Luncheon (for anyone 55 and over), Fellowship Hall, 12:00 noon, every 4th Tuesday: July 28, Aug 25, Sept 22. Bring your own sandwich. Salad, dessert and drinks will be provided unless otherwise notified. Need a ride? Call Don Keller at 352-544-1271.
  • Sundays: Join us Sunday nights at 6:00 PM for a study of the book of Revelation.
  • Mondays: Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in Newcomb at 7:00 PM.
  • Tuesdays: Men meet for prayer at 6:30 AM in the sanctuary.
  • Tuesdays: Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in LLWC at 7:00 PM.
  • Wednesdays: prayer meeting meets at 6:00 PM. We’re studying the book of Daniel.
  • Saturdays: Fusion Student Ministry meetings (8th – 12th grade) meet 7:00-9:00 PM for the summer at LLWC.
  • Kingdom Bound Darien Lake student ministry trip is Wednesday July 22nd – Saturday July 25th. Contact Pastor John if you’d like to contribute to this ministry trip.
  • Keep praying for renewal in our communities. Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeWesleyanChurch
  • Pray for Bunny’s upcoming surgery, Janet-Lee, Kevin, Joe, and others who have shared prayer concerns.
  • Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 if you have questions.

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