September 6 updates

You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out” (Deuteronomy 28:6).

In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6).

Here are some upcoming events:

  • Sundays: Join us Sunday nights at 6:00 PM for a study of the book of Revelation.
  • Tuesdays: at 6:30 AM – join other men for prayer and share time.
  • Tuesdays: Alcoholic Anonymous meetings in LLWC at 7:00 PM.
  • Wednesdays: Moms in Touch: 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Wednesdays: Ladies’ Bible Study: 9:00 AM
  • Wednesdays: prayer meeting at 6:00 PM. Nahum.
  • Thursday September 10th, 17th, and 24th, there will be Work Bees at church from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Soup will be served from 5:00-7:00. There’s a list of things that need to be done on the bulletin board near the back door (wainscoting, new gutters, sidewalks…). Bring your tools and paint brushes. See Venita if you have questions.
  • Tuesday September 22: Best Years Fellowship Luncheon (for anyone 55 and over), Fellowship Hall, 12:00 noon. Bring your own sandwich. Soup, dessert, and drinks will be provided. Need a ride? Call Venita or Don Keller at 352-544-1271.
  • October 17th is our next Dress-a-Girl Workshop; 10:00 AM at LLWC. Save the date! More details to come.
  • Follow us on Facebook:
  • Remember to pray for our Missionaries, Christians around the world who are being persecuted, our leaders, Pastor John, and others as the Lord brings them to mind.
  • Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 if you have questions.

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