Pastor John taught another great lesson — this one mentioned how the venomous snakes symbolized sin (Numbers 21:5-9); the manna symbolized Christ, the Bread of Life (John 6:32-36); and the brass symbolized judgement and purification (John 3:14-15). Review these scriptures to see how we were taught that Jesus would come to carry our sin and bring us from death to life.
Here are some upcoming events:
- Sundays: Tonight at 6:00, Bible Study of book of Jude with Pastor John.
- Tuesdays: at 6:30 AM – join other men for prayer and share time.
- Wednesdays: Moms in Touch: 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
- Wednesdays: Ladies’ Bible Study: 9:00 AM Study on Colossians, “Thrive, not just survive!”
- Wednesdays: Bible Study at 6:00 PM. Ruth.
- October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Please show Pastor John and his family how much we appreciate all that they do for our community!
- Please pray for Greg as he has surgery for cancer this Tuesday. Pray for Louisa and Pat as they continue to recovery from surgery. Praise God for their successful surgery!
- October 17: People needed in Community Garden to Harvest potatoes: 9:00 AM at 99 Kickerville Road; join us as we bring in the potatoes for the winter. Bring your potato hooks and gloves, and dress for the weather (come rain or shine!).
- October 17: Dress-a-Girl Workshop; 10:00 AM at LLWC. We’ll be cutting out fabric to make dresses and assemble kits, so please bring appropriate cotton fabric, fabric scissors, etc. Bring your lunch and Contact us or see Dress a Girl Around the World if you need more information.
- Follow us on Facebook:
- Remember to pray for our Missionaries, Christians around the world who are being persecuted, our leaders, those in our community who have heart aches and physical issues, Pastor John, and others as the Lord brings them to mind.
- Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 if you have questions.