October 18 updates

  • October is Pastor Appreciation month, and we’d like to show our appreciation of Pastor John and his family by installing new doors on their garage! See Greg or Gail for more information, or send your donation to LLWC, PO Box 322, Long Lake, NY  12847. Thanks.
  • Thursday, 10/22 at 6:00 PM: LLWC Board meeting.
  • Many thanks to everyone who helped harvest in the Community Garden yesterday. Please take some carrots, potatoes, and leeks to your neighbors and invite them to LLWC.
  • And thanks to everyone who helped at the Dress-a-Girl workshop yesterday. We had a great turnout! We have about 37 dresses done that are waiting for DAG labels so they can be shipped to girls; about 50 dresses out being sewn, abut 30 dresses cut out, and abut 25 dresses ready to go into kits. Those kits will be available by Wednesday for those who would like to take them home to sew at your own convenience. Overall, we believe we’ve made a total of over 250 dresses for God’s little girls! We need: Double fold extra wide bias tape (any color), appropriate fabric for dresses, or monetary donations so we can buy appropriate fabric and notions that we need for our next workshop. Thanks for helping with this project!
  • Samaritan’s Purse: please start collecting items for the Samaritan’s Purse shoe boxes. We’ll be collecting the shoe boxes in November.
  • Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongLakeWesleyanChurch
  • Remember to pray for our Missionaries, Christians around the world who are being persecuted, our leaders, those in our community who have heart aches and physical issues, Pastor John, and others as the Lord brings them to mind.
  • Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 if you have questions.

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