Here are today’s announcements and updates:
- Lesson from today: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). God wants us to have joy and laughter in our lives! Laughing is better than most meds!
- Note that there are prayer request cards on the table in the entry way. You can also make suggestions for worship songs to the worship team.
- Sunday: 6:00 PM at LLWC – Evening service.
- Tuesday: 6:30 AM at LLWC – Join other men for prayer and share time.
- Tuesday: 1:00 PM at NUMC – UMC
- Tuesday: 7:00 PM at NUMC – Board Meeting
- Wednesday: 10:00 AM at LLWC – Women’s Bible Study, “Believing in Jesus” Lesson 7. This will be our last week; see Joyce with ideas for next study.
- Wednesday: 7:00 PM at NUMC – Prayer meeting.
- Thursday: 10:30 AM – NUMC Bible Study at Montanye’s home.
- Thursday: 12:30-2:30 at NUMC – Coffee for the Community.
- Saturday: Remember to pray on Saturday nights for the Sunday church services.
- Invite friends to Sunday Bible class at 10:00 AM and Worship at 11:00 AM.
- May 1: Fellowship Sunday — plan to stay after worship for Potluck lunch and a time of great fellowship! The first Sunday of each month.
Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 (or email if you have questions.