Here are today’s announcements for this week:
- Sunday: 6:00 PM Bible Study at LLWC.
- Monday-Friday (August 22-26) NUMC VBS 1:00-3:00. Based on Psalm 23. If a Long Lake child needs a ride, call Amy or John at LLWC.
- Monday: 7:00 PM: Women’s Prayer Meeting at Sandi Burch’s home.
- Tuesday: 6:30 AM at LLWC – Join other men for prayer and share time.
- Wednesday: 6:00 PM – Prayer meeting at LLWC.
- Thursday: 10:30 AM – Women’s Bible Study at NUMC.
- August 28: New member service at LLWC. Contact Pastor John if you’re interested in becoming a member of LLWC.
- August 28: Community Hymn Sing at the LL Pavilion. 2:30-3:30 singing. Potluck at 3:30.
- September 29-October 1: Joyce Meyer’s annual women’s conference, Love Life, in St. Louis, MO. See more information at:
- October 22: Dress a Girl (DAG) workshop at LLWC at 10:00 AM. Bring your lunch and your usual tools, equipment, fabric and notions, etc. Contact Peg Mauer if you have questions.
Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 (or email if you have questions.