This morning we had an update from Drs. Linda and Romy Caringal, missionaries to Asia. You can read more about them and their backgrounds on our Missions page (here). They have twins, who are now 19 and are in college. Dr. Linda gave us an update on how they give workshops on Human Trafficking prevention. They also give sewing classes and share stories to help people improve themselves. We have sent our Dress-a-Girl dresses to Dr. Linda in the past, and she has distributed them as they pray over the girls receiving them. Dr. Romy told us about the medical clinics and health care that they provide.
Bibles for Haiti: We’re collecting money to buy more Bibles to be distributed in Haiti. Bibles in Creole cost about $7.00 each.
Pastor John’s trip to Israel: We have a handout with details on the opportunity for Pastor John to go to Israel. You can contribute to the fund for his trip to Israel by clicking on the yellow “Donate” button on the right side of this screen. Please include a note in “Add special instructions to LLWC” that it’s for Gocke’s trip to Israel. You can also write a check to LLWC, with a note in the Memo line for Gocke’s trip to Israel.
Food Pantry needs. Please remember to provide things that kids like to eat! See the attached list. The Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 9:00-12:00, or by appointment by contacting Pastor John. We need volunteers to come Saturday mornings to help with the Food Pantry!
- Sundays: You can now watch the service live on Sundays at 11:00 AM at
- Sunday: Prayer meeting at LLWC at 6:00 PM, featuring the Jonathan Cahn study on “The Golden Calf.”
- Wednesday: Womens’ Prayer Group at 9:00 AM at LLWC.
- Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 6:00 PM at LLWC, featuring the Gospel of John, led by Dave Carney.
- Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at NUMC at 76:00 PM.
- Friday, September 15th: All women are invited to a baby shower for Merline (and Silas) on Friday at 7:00pm, at Venita’s house. Please bring a baby picture of yourself. They need baby and toddler books, baby supplies, and gift certificates to Contact Venita or Joyce for more information.
- Saturday: LLWC Weekly Prayer for the service at 6:00 PM.
- Community Garden: we’ll plan to harvest crops at the end of September. See Chris for details.
Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 (or email if you have questions.