September 24

Today we prayed for the people and country of North Korea. We watched the Prayercast video here. Please keep North Korea, her people, and her leaders in your prayers.

Bibles for Haiti: We collected $3,000, which will buy about 350 Bibles to be distributed in Haiti. Please keep this distribution project in your prayers.

Pastor John’s trip to Israel: We have a handout with details on the opportunity for Pastor John to go to Israel. You can contribute to the fund for his trip to Israel by clicking on the yellow “Donate” button on the right side of this screen. Please include a note in “Add special instructions to LLWC” that it’s for Gocke’s trip to Israel. You can also write a check to LLWC, with a note in the Memo line for Gocke’s trip to Israel.

Food Pantry needs. Please remember to provide things that kids like to eat! See the attached list. The Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 9:00-12:00, or by appointment by contacting Pastor John. We need volunteers to come Saturday mornings to help with the Food Pantry!

  • Sundays: You can now watch the service live on Sundays at 11:00 AM at
  • Sunday: Prayer meeting at LLWC at 6:00 PM.
  • Wednesday: Womens’ Prayer Group at 9:30 AM at LLWC. We’ll be studying “Out Live Your Life” by Max Lucado. Contact Joyce Bozak for more info.
  • Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at 6:00 PM at LLWC.
  • Wednesday: Prayer Meeting at NUMC at 7:00 PM.
  • Saturday: The 12th annual church potato and carrot harvest will be Saturday, September 30 at 2 PM. This year the harvest is occurring at 3 locations…in order to prevent confusion, please stop at Thompson’s (99 Kickerville Rd.) to be assigned work. Most of the labor will be needed on Steinfeldt Rd, but carrots and squash are at or near 99 Kickerville. Please dress for weather and bring children and potato hooks if you have either. We have some here we can loan you. Hooks, that is. Children are loaned only when their diapers are full. We need several carrot washing people to hose the crop. Could a few bring full rain gear and rubber boots, please?
    A homegrown Thanksgiving-style turkey dinner will be served at church after the harvest is in, beginning at about 5 PM. You do NOT want to miss this dinner; all are welcome.

Contact us or call Pastor John at 518-624-2411 (or email if you have questions.