This week at LLWC

Join us for the following events this week:

  • Wednesday night Bible Study at 6:00 PM with Dave Carney in person at LLWC and online at:
  • Saturday Potato Dig at 1:00 at “Jud’s field” on Steinfeldt Lane (off Kickerville); and Carrot Harvest at Thompson’s at 99 Kickerville. Dress accordingly: those who spray down carrots might want to bring waterproof pants, gloves and boots. We especially need help with carrots this year. The Harvest Dinner will be at 5:00 for garden workers and their families at the LLWC. We will try to serve according to the NYS food service guidelines regarding disinfecting, distancing, serving, and the need to wear masks. A sign-up sheet was passed around church, asking for help with dinner. Please contact Cynthia Thompson to see how you can help.
  • Saturday Night Alive message at 6:00 PM with Pastor Skip. Go to and click on the image for SNA.
  • Sunday: Live church service at Adirondack Bible Fellowship in person at 9:00 AM in Newcomb. All are welcome! It will also be available online at:
  • Sunday: Live church service at Long Lake Wesleyan Church in person at 11:00 AM. All are welcome! It will also be available online at:
  • Saturday, October 10th: Diaper giveaway for the Adirondack Pregnancy Center in Saranac Lake from 11:00-3:00. Contact Craig Seaman or for more information.

This week at LLWC

Join us for the following events this week: