Holy Week 2021 for LLWC and ABF

We hope that you can join us for our online or in-person worship services. When coming into the LLWC building, please follow NYDOH guidelines and CDC guidelines on wearing masks, handwashing and social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer are available.

All of these services will also be available online at: https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnGocke.

  • Maundy Thursday April 1 – Commemorates the foot washing and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. Communion will be served. Where: Newcomb Adirondack Bible Fellowship (ABF) at 6 PM with Pastor John.
  • Good Friday April 2 – Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. Where: Long Lake Wesleyan Church (LLWC) at 6 PM with Pastor Skip.
  • Holy Saturday April 3 – Commemorates Jesus’ body resting in the tomb. Where: Newcomb ABF at 6 PM with Pastor Skip.
  • Easter Sunrise April 4 at 7 AM – Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and His victory over sin and death! At Long Lake Town Beach with Pastor John; at Newcomb Overlook Park with Pastor Skip.
  • Easter Worship Service on April 4 at 9 AM at ABF with Pastor John. At 11 AM at LLWC with Pastor John. Pastor John’s lesson will come from, John 3:14-15. All are welcome!

This week at LLWC – Palm Sunday

We hope that you can join us for our online or in-person worship services. When coming into the LLWC building, please follow NYDOH guidelines and CDC guidelines on wearing masks, handwashing and social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer are available.