This week at LLWC – May 2, 2021

We hope that you can join us for our online or in-person worship services. When coming into the LLWC building, please follow NYDOH guidelines and CDC guidelines on wearing masks, handwashing and social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer are available. All are welcome!

*** May 12th: All-church annual meeting at 6:00 PM.

This week at LLWC – April 25, 2021

We hope that you can join us for our online or in-person worship services. When coming into the LLWC building, please follow NYDOH guidelines and CDC guidelines on wearing masks, handwashing and social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer are available.

*** April 30th: There will be a memorial service for Bob Hampson at 11:00 AM.

*** May 1st: Help us pull up plastic and stones in the Community Garden, to prepare garden for planting at 10:00 AM. Wear boots and gloves and come to 99 Kickerville Road. We’ll be done by noon.

*** May 12th: All-church annual meeting at 6:00 PM.