This week at LLWC – February 6, 2022

We meet for church service on Sundays at 11:00. All are welcome!

What to Expect:

  • Masks and social distancing are encouraged.
  • Children will remain with their parents for the duration of the service. An unstaffed nursery is available across the lobby from the sanctuary.
    Moms and Dads, help yourself to this room!
  • Sunday: Worship service at 11:00 AM. We’re still working out the technical challenges of posting service online; please be patient with us!
  • Sunday, February 6th, Pastor Andy will share part four in our current series “Teach Us to Pray” from Matthew 5:1-6 “Blessed Are the Hungry”. In addition Dave Carney will be sharing a ‘Missions Moment’ about Zambia and we will be praying over our children. To be able to engage more in the worship time check out the following link to the song I will be starting the service with:


  • Today: Pot Luck Lunch in the Fellowship Hall after worship. Please plan to join us!
  • Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to the church, submitted online via PayPal (see the yellow Donate button on the right side of your screen), or received during the service.
  • Today: Bible Study at 6:00 PM,  with David Carney.
  • Wednesday: Prayer & Fasting Day: Prayer Meeting at 6:00 PM. Go to the following link to be inspired to pray!
  • Saturday: Community Food Pantry open from 9:00-12:00 downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Joyce or Karen if you have questions.
  • February 19: Community Turkey Dinner — more details to come.