We meet for church service on Sundays at 11:00 AM. All are welcome!
What to Expect:
- Masks and social distancing are encouraged.
- Children will remain with their parents for the duration of the service. An unstaffed nursery is available across the lobby from the sanctuary.
- Sunday: Worship service at 11:00 AM. Live streams will be available online here.
- Sunday, February 20th, Pastor Andy will share part seven in our current series “Teach Us to Pray”. This week the message is called “The Circle Maker 2” from Joshua 6 (from Mark Batterson’s book, “The Circle Maker”).
Check out the following link to one of the songs we will be singing…”Stronger”:
- Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to the church, submitted online via PayPal (see the yellow Donate button on the right side of your screen; you may have to scroll down on your iPhone to see it), or received during the service.
- Sundays: Adult Bible Study at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall; Teacher: David Carney.
- Sundays: Evening Bible Study at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall; Teacher: David Carney.
- Wednesday: Prayer & Fasting Day: Prayer Meeting at 6:00 PM. Go to the following link to be inspired to pray!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9W0-dAQCDQ&ab_channel=TheBrooklynTabernacleChoir - Saturday: Community Food Pantry open from 9:00-12:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Joyce or Karen if you have questions.
- Pot Luck Lunch in the Fellowship Hall after worship on the first Sunday of each month; the next one is March 6th. Please plan to join us!
- 8 Week Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course *NEW
- Begins March 27 at 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
- For additional information check out the following videos:
- For additional details see Pastor Andy’s previous email called “New 8 Week Discipleship Course at Long Lake Wesleyan”, or Contact Us.
- THE COMMUNITY GARDEN NEEDS YOUR HELP! *NEW. For more details see the post below “Donations request…”
- Community Dinner: April 23rd at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
- Spring Work Day: Saturday April 30th. Details to follow.
- Local Church Conference: Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 PM.