This week at LLWC – July 31, 2022

This Sunday we are meeting INSIDE the church!

Pastor Andy will be sharing a message called “Remembering the Sabbath” from Exodus 20:8-11.

Check out the following link to one of the songs we will be singing: “All Hail King Jesus”

  • Join us online at:  Thanks for your patience… since meeting at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion, we have been unable to live stream our services. We will be back online this Sunday! *NEW
  • Children will remain with their parents / guardians until after the music, at which time they will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall where they will be ministered to for the duration of the service. [Only ages 4 and up please.]


    • Baptism: Sunday, July 31st at noon at “Sagamore Beach” at the end of Owls Head Lane, the road to the right of the Post Office (map to Owls Head Beach).
    • Sunday Bible Study *NEW.  Led by Dave Carney at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
    • Funeral for Craig Seaman on Monday, August 1:
      • Our prayers are with the Seaman family during this tragic time. There will be a 10:00 AM viewing at the church, and a 12:00 noon funeral at the church … followed by a graveside service at the Long Lake cemetery. Go to the following link to read the obituary and to leave a memory the family will be able to read:
      • Wednesday is Prayer & Fasting Day + Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 6:00 PM.
      • Saturday Prayer: 5:00 – 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
      • Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes:  Pick up a shoebox this Sunday! For more information contact Peg Mauer.
      • The Children’s Ministry Team Needs Your Help:  Please pray we will be able to offer regular children’s ministry all year around! To be a Teacher or Helper sign up or contact Pastor Andy ASAP.
      • Tithes and Offerings: Online:   Click on the yellow “Donate” button near the top right corner of your screen. On an iPhone, you may have to scroll down to see it. Mail to the church (PO Box 322, Long Lake NY, 12847). In person during the service.


  • Yard Sale to benefit Haiti Orphanage: *NEW Aug. 12 & 13 at 93 Dock Lane, Long Lake (across from Long Lake boat launch). Fri and Sat, 9:00-4:00. Donations many be left on patio. Please leave donations before Fri. Aug. 12th. Things that sell well: “Adirondacky” things, tools, bedding. Things that don’t sell well: clothing, electronics, vases. No big items, like big furniture. Sale is inside and outside. Proceeds to benefit the Haiti Orphanage. Prices are very high there, and food is hard to get. They need our help!
  • Outdoor Services at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion:  11:00 AM at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion for Sunday services on: August 14 & 21 . Feel free to bring your lawn chair and a guest!
  • Vacation Bible School: PreK – 6th Grade children are welcome for a 3-day VBS on Jonah: August 16-18, 2022, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. On Thursday, families are invited to join us for music and a picnic at 11:00! Adirondack Bible Fellowship, 5551 NYS Rt 28N, Newcomb NY.

  • Dress a Girl workshop: Saturday, August 20th at 10:00 AM at the Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel (55 Lake St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986; enter by the side door). Help us reduce human trafficking! You don’t have to be a seamstress to help with this project; there are plenty of ways that everyone can help! Soup will be provided for lunch. Contact Peg Mauer ( with questions. See more information at: Dress a Girl. 

This week at LLWC – July 24, 2022

This Sunday we are meeting at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion (46 Pavilion Rd, Long Lake NY 12847). This is a great opportunity to invite someone to church!

Pastor Andy will be concluding the series “Be Filled with the Holy Spirit” from Ephesians 3:14-21 …”Be Filled Today”.

Check out the following link to one of the songs we will be singing: “One Thing Remains”

  • Join us online at:  Thanks for your patience… since meeting at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion, we have been unable to live stream our services. We are working on this and will be back online ASAP. *NEW
  • Children will remain with their parents / guardians until after the music, when they will be dismissed for the duration of the service. [Only ages 4 and up please.]


    • Sunday Bible Study *NEW.  Led by Dave Carney, Begins Sunday, July 24 at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
    • Wednesday is Prayer & Fasting Day + Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 6:00 PM.
    • Saturday Prayer: 5:00 – 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary OR Sabattis Pavilion.
    • Summer Outdoor Services at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion:  11:00 AM at the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion for Sunday services on: July 24 / August 14 & 21 . Feel free to bring your lawn chair and a guest!
    • Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes:  See the video at:  Pick up a shoebox this Sunday! For more information contact Peg Mauer.
    • The Children’s Ministry Team Needs Your Help:  Please pray we will be able to offer regular children’s ministry all year around! To be a Teacher or Helper sign up or contact Pastor Andy ASAP.
    • Tithes and Offerings: Online:   Click on the yellow “Donate” button near the top right corner of your screen. On an iPhone, you may have to scroll down to see it. Mail to the church (PO Box 322, Long Lake NY, 12847). In person during the service.


  • Baptism: Sunday, July 31st. Interested in being baptized? Contact Pastor Andy.
  • Yard Sale to benefit Haiti Orphanage: Aug. 12 & 13 – 93 Dock Lane, Long Lake. (across from Long Lake boat launch site). Fri and Sat, 9:00-4:00. Donations many be left on patio. Please leave donations before Fri. Aug. 12th. Things that sell well: “Adirondacky” things, tools, bedding. Things that don’t sell well: clothing, electronics, vases. No big items, like big furniture. Sale is inside and outside. Proceeds to benefit the Haiti Orphanage. Prices are very high there, and food is hard to get. They need our help!
  • Vacation Bible School: PreK – 6th Grade children are welcome for a 3-day VBS o Jonah. August 16-18, 2022, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. On Thursday, families are invited to join us for music and a picnic at 11:00! Adirondack Bible Fellowship, 5551 NYS Rt 28N, Newcomb NY.

  • Dress a Girl workshop: Saturday, August 20th at 10:00 AM at the Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel (55 Lake St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986; enter by the side door). Help us reduce human trafficking! You don’t have to be a seamstress to help with this project; there are plenty of ways that everyone can help! Soup will be provided for lunch. Contact Peg Mauer ( with questions. See more information at: Dress a Girl.