This week at LLWC – September 18, 2022

Pastor Andy will be sharing a message called “Why Fast” from Matthew 6:16-18At the end of the message he will be challenging you to make a specific commitment to fast some kind of food every day for 21 days beginning Monday, September 19!

Check out the following link to one of the songs we will be singing called “This I Believe (The Creed)”
  • Children’s Ministry: We will be offering children’s ministry ALL YEAR LONG! 
    • This Sunday Children will remain with their parents/guardians until the end of the music time when they will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall.
    • Once a month we will intentionally NOT offer children’s ministry in order to give our volunteers a break but also to give parents/guardians the opportunity to have their children with them for the entire service. The other Sundays of the month the children will stay with their parents/guardians for the music time after which they will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall for the duration of the service.
    • Teachers and Helpers please sign up when you can serve in the lobby or contact Pastor Andy ASAP!
  •  Daily Bread Devotionals (Fall Quarter) Now available in the church foyer on the document wall!
  •  Two Adult Bible Studies Led by Dave Carney in the Fellowship Hall: Sunday morning at 10am and Sunday evening at 6pm
  •  40 Day Prayer Focus: 
    • 5 Days of Prayer at 5pm Wednesday through Sunday.
    • 21 DAY FAST  *NEW
      • September 19 to October 9
      • As part of the 40 Days of Prayer: “And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you (Matthew 6:16-18 NLT).
      • If every Christian fasted, the results could shake our society like a windstorm bending a sapling. Christians would demonstrate that they live differently, that their faith is imperative, that the Almighty works in their daily lives. If all our churches fasted, they would move forward in evangelism and reach out in feeding and helping others. God would then pour His presence upon His people.  Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough -Elmer Towns.
  • Prayer Meeting Wednesday @ 6pm
  • First Sunday Potluck: Sunday October 2 following the morning service. All are welcome!

  • EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: 8 Week Course Begins Sunday, October 9, 6pm to 7:30pm

Deeply Changing Your Relationships with Others

This powerful 8-week Course will equip you with practical tools to really love people in difficult situations and mature into an adult follower of Jesus.

Eight Powerful Relationship Changing Skills:

  • Take Your Community Temperature Reading
  • Stop Mind Reading and Clarify Expectations
  • Genogram Your Family
  • Explore the Iceberg
  • Listen Incarnationally
  • Climb the Ladder of Integrity
  • Fight Cleanly
  • Develop a “Rule of Life” to Implement Your New Learnings

The EH Relationships Course Participants Pack includes Two Books:

  • an 8-session workbook/biblical study-guide with reading, questions and practical discussion to reinforce each of the 8 skills
  • an EH Relationships Day by Day 40-day devotional with daily readings that align with the core theme of each session

This course is not for self-study and must be done in groups to get the full impact of each “learning to love others” skill. In addition, it is highly recommended the EH Spirituality course be taken first.


  • WHEN: Weekly Classes Begin Sunday, October 9, 6pm to 7:30pm
  • WHERE: Long Lake Wesleyan Church
  • WHY: Emotional & Spiritual Growth (Discipleship)
  • LEADER: Pastor Andy + Peter Scazzero Videos
  • COST: $20.00 Per Person Includes Two Books: 
    • EHR Workbook
    • EHR Day by Day 40-day Devotional


  • Weekly Workbook Assignments
  • Daily Reading from Devotional Book
  • Weekly Attend the Small Group & Bring both Books With You.
  • Small Groups:  Men with Men / Women with Women


  • SIGN UP in Foyer or contact Pastor Andy by Sunday, September 25
  • $20.00 to Pastor Andy or Barb Carney ASAP
  • Make Check Out to “Long Lake Wesleyan Church” & Mark “E.H.R. Course”
  • Dress a Girl workshop: Saturday, September 17th and October 15th at 10:00 AM at the Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel (55 Lake St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986; enter by the side door). The mission of DAG is to reduce human trafficking. You don’t have to be a seamstress to help with this project; there are plenty of ways that everyone can help! Soup will be provided for lunch. Contact Peg Mauer  ( with questions. See more information at: Dress a Girl.