The 17th annual potato harvest is Saturday Oct. 8th at 1 PM.
– Harvest will take place in 2 fields:
- Steinfield Rd (1.6 miles north of Kickerville Rd) for potatoes, and
- 99 Kickerville Rd (the Thompson’s) for carrots.
– Bring your potato hooks and buckets if you have them.
– Dress accordingly. Folks who will help spray down the carrots should bring waterproof rain pants, gloves and boots.
– Harvest dinner will be held for workers and their families at the Wesleyan church at 5 PM.
– A sign up sheet for different foods and preparation tasks will be available at the October 2nd service.
(Note: Google maps refers to “Steinfield Rd” and “Kickerville Rd”, although locals may know them by “Steinfeldt Lane” and Kickerville Lane.”)
Contact Cynthia and Chris with any questions.