Join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM when Pastor Andy will be sharing part three of “Love One Another: Friends”.
- Watch online:
- Facebook:
- Website:
- This Sunday the children will be dismissed following the music for ministry in the Fellowship Hall for the duration of the service.
- Children’s ministry teams of two… please sign up ASAP!
- Tithes and Offerings Online:
- Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study with Dave Carney @ 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall — All are welcome!
- Bible Study Sunday at 6:00 PM (on 2 Timothy with Dave Carney) in the Fellowship Hall –All are welcome!
- Prayer Ministry: Wednesday is Prayer & Fasting Day: 5:00 PM pre-service prayer; 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting.
- Freedom in Christ course *NEW – 8 week course begins on Sunday evening, October 1st from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. Scroll down for additional details.
- Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes – Pick up empty shoeboxes on the way out today! Filled boxes can be returned to the Lobby by Sunday, October 29! See Peg Mauer for details.
- First Sunday Potluck: Join us on the first Sunday of each month in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck lunch following the morning service. Bring a dish to share. Next potluck Sunday: October 1st.
- Freedom in Christ: 8-week course begins Sunday evening, October 1st at 6:00 PM – Join us in a groundbreaking truth encounter by walking through “The Steps to Freedom in Christ” by Neil T. Anderson, as well as reading through “Victory Over the Darkness” (same author). This will help us to:
- Realize the power of your identity in Christ
- Find freedom from the burdens of your past
- Stand against the spiritual forces of this world
- Win the battle for your mind
- Become the victorious person you want to be
- Discover the truth about God’s view of you
This course spells out practical ways to experience Christian growth based on Christ’s promise.
Learn to apply the truths of Scripture to renew your mind and become the person Christ empowers you to be.
- “Victory Over the Darkness” (more than 2 million copies sold!)
- “The Steps to Freedom in Christ”
- Read one chapter per week from “Victory Over the Darkness”
- Attend the weekly sessions
- Email and/or sign up on the table in the lobby by Sunday, September 24!
- Give checks for $10.00 to Barb Carney or Pastor Andy ASAP (make checks out to “Long Lake Wesleyan Church” and mark “Freedom in Christ”.)
- Practical instruction.
- Opportunities for discussion.
- Participating in praying through the seven steps to freedom.
- Dress a Girl workshops:
- October 14
- November 11
- December 9
Meet at 10:00 AM at the Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel (55 Lake St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986; enter by the side door). The mission of DAG is to show God’s little girls that they are loved, and to reduce human trafficking. You don’t have to be a seamstress to help with this project; there are plenty of ways that everyone can help! Soup will be provided for lunch. Contact Peg Mauer ( with questions. See more information at: Dress a Girl.