Additional announcements

The following announcements were made in church on Sunday:


2023 POTATO and CARROT HARVEST –  OCTOBER 7th (18th annual) 

    • Harvest starts at 1:00 PM… rain or shine!
    • Potatoes are located at Andy Pratt’s field at 112 Kickerville Lane
    • Carrots are at the Thompson field at 99 Kickerville Lane
    • Then, enjoy a harvest dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:00 PM (for field workers, meal helpers and their families).
    • Please come help with the harvest! (Dress appropriately for the weather.)
    • Please contact Cynthia to ask what dishes she might need.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

    • Saturday, November 18th
    • Please contact Marilyn Bridges to ask how you can help.

Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes