Join us this Sunday at 11:00 AM when Pastor Andy shares a message called “God is with Us” from John 1:1-18 and Isaiah 7:14.
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Children’s Ministry
- This Sunday the children will remain with their parents / guardians for the duration of the service.
- You are invited to write notes of affirmation and encouragement for the children. They may be placed in the mailboxes that are mounted on the wall outside the nursery / children’s ministry area. – Thank you Debbie Austin!
- Tithes and Offerings Online:
- Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study with Dave Carney @ 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall — All are welcome!
- First Sunday Potluck – Bring a dish to share! Sunday, December 3 following the morning service in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!
- NEW Sunday Evening Bible Study with Dave Carney at 6:00 PM.
- Prayer Ministry: Wednesday is Prayer & Fasting Day 5:00 PM Pre-service Prayer; 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting
- Sunday, December 17 at 11:00 AM Community Christmas Family Celebration. Featuring the play “Come to the Manger” directed by Michelle Billings. Children of all ages will be invited to participate in the play without any previous preparation.
- Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service 6:00 PM
- NEW “Freedom Prayer” course begins Sunday, January 21 (8 weeks)
- Special Guest Pastor Dan Lamos (Doreen’s brother) … Live online
- Book: “Free On The Inside” by Holly Reicks … $10.00
- For leaders and anyone wanting to grow.
- 12:45 PM to 2:30 PM immediately following the morning service.
- Bring your own lunch.
- PRAYER REQUEST: Please keep the Hosley family in your prayers as Lorrie Hosley passed away on Thursday.
- Dress a Girl workshops:
- December 9
- January 13
- February 10
- Meet at 10:00 AM at the Tupper Lake Baptist Chapel (55 Lake St., Tupper Lake, NY 12986; enter by the side door). The mission of DAG is to show God’s little girls that they are loved, and to reduce human trafficking. You don’t have to be a seamstress to help with this project; there are plenty of ways that everyone can help! Soup will be provided for lunch. Contact Peg Mauer ( with questions. See more information at: Dress a Girl.