New Okipe Video – AMAZING!

There’s a new video about Mme Soliette and “her” orphans in LaGonave, Haiti. This video tells how Mme Soliette started the orphanage, but it goes on to tell us about the hope and future for these children.  (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer 29:11).

Bill Cody went to Haiti, met Mme Soliette, and God gave him a burden for giving these kids a new home. Bill is now the Chairman of a co-op called Okipe (Oh-kEE-pAy), which is a Haitian Creole word meaning, “to look after”.  They are working on The Children’s Village, and have purchased 4 acres for this village. See the video at:

New videos of Haiti!

We have added several new videos from our team’s trip to Haiti in November 2011. You will need QuickTime to view these videos. QuickTime is free; you can download QuickTime for Mac or PC here.