These are a few of the 138+ dresses that ladies brought in to our workshop on April 15th! Thank you so much for your dedication to DAG!
I recently received these pictures from Steve, our missionary friend to Nakaseke, Uganda. Steve says of the first picture:
“You’ve never seen a dress worn like this! You should make this girl your poster child for Dress-A-Girl. Seriously, this could go to DAG headquarters/website – beautiful young Ugandan girl blessed by volunteer seamstresses in US. I’m forwarding pictures of girls I’ve seen this week around the village – these are from ones we distributed 2 years ago! Blessings to you and your ladies!”
Steve adds, “Our school does a community outreach once per term (3 terms) and our chaplain finds a new community every time. Last term we had 70 dresses and it added so much to their ministry. This term we will have 40 students involved and they go for 4 days in a mini crusade: some door-to-door, every evening they do skits, singing, preaching. Last term they had a huge impact on the village where they reported 117 decisions to follow Jesus. Thanks for being a part of this even from the US!”
“These dresses are meaningful to the girls of our village and our region. We have our community outreach in two weeks and I’m sad that we don’t have dresses with us now.”
Part of me wants to send a new dress to these girls, and part of me knows that there are SO many more girls who need a dress. We’ve sent 450 dresses to Steve in the past two years, and we’re about to send him 400 more dresses. They have outreach events in different communities in which they distribute dresses and invite children to learn more about Jesus and His love for them. Maybe some day we’ll learn how many girls we’ve saved from trafficking, and how many have accepted Jesus because of DAG!