We meet for church service on Sundays at 11:00 AM. All are welcome!
What to Expect:
- Masks and social distancing are encouraged.
- Children will remain with their parents for the duration of the service. An unstaffed nursery is available across the lobby from the sanctuary.
- Sunday: Worship service at 11:00 AM. Live streams will be available online here.
- Sunday, February 20th, Pastor Andy will share part six in our series “Teach Us to Pray”. This week the message is called “The Circle Maker” from Joshua 6 (title borrowed from Mark Batterson’s book, “The Circle Maker”). To be able to engage more in worship time, check out the following link to one of the songs we will be singing: “Cornerstone” based on the hymn “The Solid Rock”.
- Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to the church, submitted online via PayPal (see the yellow Donate button on the right side of your screen; you may have to scroll down on your iPhone to see it), or received during the service.
- Sundays: Adult Bible Study at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall; Teacher: David Carney.
- Sundays: Evening Bible Study at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall; Teacher: David Carney.
- Wednesday: Prayer & Fasting Day: Prayer Meeting at 6:00 PM. Go to the following link to be inspired to pray!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9W0-dAQCDQ&ab_channel=TheBrooklynTabernacleChoir - Saturday: Community Food Pantry open from 9:00-12:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Joyce or Karen if you have questions.
- Pot Luck Lunch in the Fellowship Hall after worship on the first Sunday of each month; the next one is March 6th. Please plan to join us!
- 8 Week Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course *NEW
- Begins March 27 at 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
- For additional information check out the following videos:
- For additional details see Pastor Andy’s previous email called “New 8 Week Discipleship Course at Long Lake Wesleyan”, or Contact Us.
- THE COMMUNITY GARDEN NEEDS YOUR HELP! *NEW. For more details see the post below “Donations request…”
- Community Dinner: April 23rd at 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
- Spring Work Day: Saturday April 30th. Details to follow.
- Local Church Conference: Thursday, May 12th at 6:00 PM.